Tuesday, February 14, 2012

absolutely free toys and games

Toys and games is necessary to enhance motor development and intelligence of children. Children's toys are now more attractive with a variety of features. However, parents also need to be aware of hidden dangers of the toy.
Small magnets, powerful batteries or a laser beam is part of the modern toy features that can be harmful to children as well as small parts that easily dislodged.
"The main function is to play toys and learning toys because it should not harm the baby. Parents should be more careful in choosing toys for their children," said Rachel Weintraub, director of product safety from the Consumer Federation of America.
In the U.S. alone during 2008 occurred the withdrawal of 235 000 is considered dangerous toys. In addition 19 children reportedly died from accidents involving toys.
Swallowing small parts which had always been the main cause of the incidence of death in children, so the producers are now required to include a warning if there are parts that easily dislodged from its products.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, toy in this modern age have a higher level of danger. They refer to the deaths of two young children in 2008 due to hit toy motor-motoran and two others who died fell into the pool while riding a tricycle.
In addition to the toy drive, either motorized or dikayuh, toys that contain magnets also contains its own dangers. "The stone that swallowed a battery or magnet can be attached in the gastrointestinal tract. Not only clog, sometimes also circulated to the gastrointestinal tract," said Weintraub.
Another source of danger laser beam normally found in modern toys. In Switzerland, 15-year-olds reported experiencing blindness due to exposure to laser light of a toy.
"Too old to play video games are also potentially damaging to the eyes of a child. Because it is advisable to make a break after playing video games for 30 minutes," he said.

source: USA today

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